ワイルドスピード8 あらすじ 予告動画 The Fate of the Furious 4/28日本公開



We and the entire Fast 8 team… Will make you proud. #F8

Vin Dieselさん(@vindiesel)が投稿した写真 –





15 years ago a franchise was born…… I'm so proud to say that I know and or have met everyone – I'm honored to be apart of this franchise it's been life changing for me and my family and I don't feel alone anymore because I have my FAST FAMILY!!!! We're now shooting #Fast8 and it's amazing how this franchise has culturally shifted Hollywood – This is the first multi ethnic international phenomenon that's a non comic book and non tv show……. So HATS OFF to all of the original hands and creatives involved!!!! We work hard everyday as we stand on your shoulders to SEE to it that we do our best to keep things going…… The fans have showed up now for 15 years and we don't take that genuine love and support for granted…… Cheers to you the fans and the #FastFamily!!!

TYRESEさん(@tyrese)が投稿した写真 –


Cause I know y'all love this stuff! #F8

TYRESEさん(@tyrese)が投稿した動画 –


@ludacrisが投稿した動画 –

[amazonjs asin=”B006QJS7TK” locale=”JP” title=”ワイルド・スピード DVD”]

「ワイルドスピード8 あらすじ 予告動画 The Fate of the Furious 4/28日本公開」への1件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: 9/2 DVD発売 映画ワイルド・スピード7 スカイミッション SKY MISSIONまとめ Furious 7 | きらきらペリー


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