ワイルドスピード8 あらすじ 予告動画 The Fate of the Furious 4/28日本公開





Whole others see him as just a movie star……. I see the producer, creative, brainchild behind the saga and overall my family and brother who's always had my back – because you do movies with people doesn't mean you actually like or or vibe or even click………. Truth is is actually rare on this town to WORK with people and stay in touch with them after its all over…….. So when you connect with someone you protect it hold onto it and keep rockin…… That's VIN!!!! Our director to the right….. Has been my brother of 8 years but I've never actually work with him….. Until now…. The voice, the energy and overall SCOPE that he's brining to Fast8 is going to change everything……. This is the bosses circle…… There's nothing more significant than people who KNOW their roles and bring their HEART to the set every single day to do their very best….::: Time flies when your laughing and having fun all while making HISTORY!!!!!!! You don't feel the pressure when you can rely on your brothers to HELP YOU BREATHE!!!!!!!!! #F8 is in the oven being cooked…….. And will be served to the world in April………. The best CAST and CREW in the world……… We're not done yet….: stay encouraged we have a real game changer on our hands…..:

TYRESEさん(@tyrese)が投稿した写真 –


We're out here…….. Doing what we do……. #F8

TYRESEさん(@tyrese)が投稿した写真 –

8am to 12am and we're still here and still at it……. #F8

TYRESEさん(@tyrese)が投稿した動画 –


Quail Eggs! #fast8 #nowthatsludicrous

@ludacrisが投稿した動画 –



ワイスピ8 撮影現場にアデルが来たらしく大ヒット曲「Hello」にあわせてふざけるタイリースとスコット・イーストウッド

@adele came to the set of #fast8 today. @tyrese couldn't help it. He had to call his girl. And then I needed too as well. #submarineset

Scott Eastwoodさん(@scotteastwood)が投稿した動画 –

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「ワイルドスピード8 あらすじ 予告動画 The Fate of the Furious 4/28日本公開」への1件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: 9/2 DVD発売 映画ワイルド・スピード7 スカイミッション SKY MISSIONまとめ Furious 7 | きらきらペリー


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