ワイルドスピード8 あらすじ 予告動画 The Fate of the Furious 4/28日本公開


ワイルドスピード8 製作もはや半分終了

#F8 is halfway through production. #FastFridays

Fast & Furiousさん(@fastandfuriousmovie)が投稿した動画 –



No cameras in prison! Ha! #superdupermax #fastandfuriousmovie #f8

F Gary Grayさん(@fgarygray)が投稿した動画 –


I know you guys can see it… I have so much damn FUN playin' the character of HOBBS. A man who lives by a code of ethics, but who will also rip your throat out and give it back to you just so you can apologize for pissin' him off. For years our #FastAndFurious writer Chris Morgan, our @sevenbucksprod's producer Hiram Garcia and myself would always talk about how insanely FUN FOR THE FANS a "Hobbs prison breakout" scene would be – wrecking every fool that's in his way. Well that day has come, which is why I'm completely iced in my veins and amped out of my f*cking mind in this vid and clearly in need of a horse tranquilizer. Let Toretto and his friends preach family and love… Not HOBBS. The Iceman cometh. And he don't fucketh around. #OnSet #Fast8 #Iceman

therockさん(@therock)が投稿した動画 –

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「ワイルドスピード8 あらすじ 予告動画 The Fate of the Furious 4/28日本公開」への1件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: 9/2 DVD発売 映画ワイルド・スピード7 スカイミッション SKY MISSIONまとめ Furious 7 | きらきらペリー


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